McMahon - Last Good GFS was ( 2024110718 z ) and Last Should Be ( 2024110800 z )
Note: this was Checked at 2024-11-08 06:06 UTC.
It is possible that the Data was running Late and may now be available.
Note: this is an automated Post, check data to ensure it is correct!
Kindest Regards,
Looks like the database has hiccuped again
It has indeed.
The first node containing the most up-to-date copy of the database has been restarted. The second node is currently catching up on missing transaction data.
Once the three nodes are fully back in sync I’ll be able to restart all the scripts (including GFS and ECMWF) and getthem back up to date.
It’s the same problem as the last time. The job that cleans up old forecasts isn’t working so there are 15 times as many forecasts in the table than there should be. It’s looking like the forecast table just gets too big for the system to handle and it all keels over.
I don’t understand why the cleanup job is failing though. If I run it manually it works and it works more often than not when running automatically. There’s obviously some weird combination of things happening that cause it to fail to work correctly but I’m currently stumped about what they are.
The three database nodes are back up and in sync. I’ve removed all the forecasts and the GFS/ECMWF scripts are running so there should be up to date data in the next 45 minutes.
06z data for 8th November is now available.