Maybe my eyesight is really going?

Can someone have a look at my web sight and on the weather page see the image “moondetail2.gif” and check the spelling of the words solstice and tell me if they are still spelt solistice, I am sure that Brian corrected this in version 9.xx or there abouts, I am currently running WD ver. 10.17w.
If they are showing as incorrect what has happened?

[quote]Main Entry: sol

hehe :smiley: Good catch…

[size=133][color=Blue]Phew what a relief![/color][/size]


i see now
i had fixed it
but becuase i reverse things if south or northern hemisphere, i was actual changing it in the code to the wrong spelling
fixed now for the next version after 10.18j

It’s just another of those words that the Maori spell differently :wink:

How do I get this solstice and other lunar/solar data to appear? I am not sure where to select this option.



For uploading to your web site:
Setup > web files/web page > web page setup #1 tab - see screen shot.

To just view these extra details:
Setup > Sun/moon lat/lon > hit the "more details button

I have the item checked you mentioned but the additional data does not always show. I have verified that moondetail1.gif and moondetail2.gif are being uploaded. See my page at

Any ideas?

I have also noticed the images in the sunrise/moonrise are not always displayed.


you will also have to add the html code to show those moon images
(i.e say to the file datahtm3.txt)

Thanks for the suggestion. My pages sometimes show the lunar/solar information and sometimes they do not show them. I have not found the cause of the inconsistent behavior. The same inconsistent behavior is happening for the sunrise/moonrise images. Sometimes they show, other times they do not.