Max temperature not updated

After the server change the max temperture is no longer being updating… i use the api from weather-display for the updates…

Have you got the Cron jobs running on your new server?

Yes i have

Some of your files have not been updated for 12 days.

Click the red exclamation mark at the bottom of your page.

Is it PWS_cron_stationcron.php you run every five minutes?
When I run your PWS_cron_stationcron.php from my browser, the files are updated except for the ones that only need to be updated on roll over at midnight.

Don’t know the files i have to upload to fix this

Unfortunately, my very limited knowledge only extends to ascertaining that there is something wrong - probably with your cron job.

How many cron jobs do you have running? There should be at least 2. One for processing the WD API data and another one for processing highs/lows/etc. The one you’ve shown is the WD API one. Can you show us a screenshot of the other one?

Got this one running on my server

OP also running PWS_cron_stationcron.php every 10 minutes from WD API setup :confused:

That runs daily (dagelijks) at 00:05, not every 5 minutes.

When i set the other one on 5 minutes my site is not realtime anymore. And 1 want a realtime windupdate

You have set the API to be uploaded every 5 seconds, and AFAIK that is where all the weather data comes from. Of course, the template blocks do not usually update as quickly as that. . .

My site is updating every 5 secondes. works perfectly Wind updates… 24 uur per dag het actuele weer Home Weather Station (WDapi version)

That’s nothing to do with the stationcron.

then i have to google howto set the cronjob every 5 minutes.

In your pws folder there is a file called PWS_cron_stationcron.php

When it is run, the max and min values ​​are updated, among other things.
At midnight, today’s values ​​are reset. At the end of the month, the values ​​for the month are reset, etc.

The file should run every five minutes.
There are several ways to get it done. For me it seems fine to create a profile on and create a cron job there.

It’s free and has worked for me for years.


Done, now lets wait :slight_smile:

Looks better already :slightly_smiling_face:

The stalled chart files and the history should update at midnight.

The darksky-nl.txt file will not update. You may have to delete ./_my_settings/status.arr tomorrow to get rid of it. The array file will then be rebuilt without the darksky entry.

Just renamed the file… lets wait now and see whats happening.

Update: great news, error is gone :slight_smile:

Thnx btw.