I set a main screen background color and decided to make the data boxes the same color by ticking the “Set data boxes to background color” box. However, this setting unticks each time I restart WD and the data box background color reverts to black.
yes the box unticks for me too - but the box colour has always remained set to the same as the background for me.
Maybe Brian will get you to email your settings to him.
ok, i will check that
but also note there is ability to set the screen shot colour…and tick box, use this screen shot colour instead…maybe check that setting too (scroll down to see it)
If you are talking about directly setting the color of the databox to match the background color, yes that works and it sticks. It’s just the “Use same color” check box that’s not sticking.
Ah, finally got back to my WD computer and located the check box you were talking about. That didn’t seem to have any effect on this issue.
I noticed one other thing on this issue that works a bit different that I expected. Even though it doesn’t stick on a restart, checking the box to set the data box color the same as the background does set all the data boxes to the background color. HOWEVER, when I go to the data box color set up and manually enter the same color code I used for the background, all the data boxes turn that color EXCEPT for the digital readout under the wind speed dial. That data box stays as a black background.
You can consider this just a case of documenting how it actually works rather than as a request to change it.
Brian: Did you fix this in the latest version? I just shut down WD to install the latest B rev. When I restarted WD, the data box colors kept the background colors!
no…fixed now for the next update, but,.so its working now?..its a miracle!