Losing barometer offset

Twice now, my program (9.86D - I bought it with the weather station and it says it is registered) has just lost my barometer offset. The first time this happened it seemed to have invented a new offset and I had to reenter it and restart the program. Today it changed and then started working again about an hour later. On both occasions the program stopped updating the web site and may have stopped recording also. I have the latest firewall and antivirus installed and ran an antivirus scan. Any help appreciated. Weather station is WMR968. System is W2K with SP4 and latest MS updates. Web site is http://home.comcast.net/~kentmcc/corrales.htm

Please try the latest version (it will still be registered)
Just install to the same location
and see how that goes and report back.
The barometer offset is stored in the wdisplay.ini file, but any errors after a program start, like under view, program error log, may mean its not set…
unfortunately when i first supported the wmr918/68 stations. i used the wrong barometer rading, and a offset of around 61hpa is needed…
i could change it, but then everyone would not to reset their offsets, so i dont want to do that