I am running WMR968 type wx station and version 10.13w…
Changes made on the main screen for text color, font, am/pm, etc, are being lost upon program restart…
Any ideas?? :?:
I am running WMR968 type wx station and version 10.13w…
Changes made on the main screen for text color, font, am/pm, etc, are being lost upon program restart…
Any ideas?? :?:
is that in the program colour setup?
re the am/pm
please use version 10.13x instead for that
any errors under view, program error log?
which changes/settings are you doing exactly?
I was setting the font of the headings to bold and the data boxes to the screen background color from the color setup screen…
The am/pm for the extremes was set from the new screen that you added several versions ago…
I am responding from memory only…I am at work and not sitting at the wx computer at home…Hope my memory is accurate…
I’ll download version 10.13x when I get home and give it a try…
Thanks for the response…
if you could email me your settings file
from c:\windows or c:\winnt
note, the am pm or 24 hour time…it only updates the displayed time the next time that threshold is reacched…in the extreme conditions