What about a two decade log display for solar flux? Flux <1% could be defined as zero.
Would do away with the deep annoying cloud spikes and the need to augment low levels. Dips would still be observable but the screen display would not be so messy.
Would be nice to see some averaging of the data as well over a few sampling periods. Don’t know how frequently it is sampled now. Something like sampling several times/minute and minute averages seems appropriate. Electronically, averaging with a capacitor is infeasible-- Cap value and physical size too large.
Also how about the capability to scale the solar display so it can be shown over a portion of the screen (lower 50% maybe)?
By the way, the “block display” option in grey works well here. The other parameter show up just fine through it. It’s shadowy appearance doesn’t detract from other parameters yet it is easy to see.