Hi Brian,
i think just out of curiosity it would be nice to see a list of current bugs you are working on in the program so that at a glance users can see what is in progress, so that if they know of a bug they can look at the list to see if you are already dealing with it or not.
And you can mark bug fixes as complete when they are done.
What do others think about this?
There’s a mod for the forum software that allows a board to be defined as a ‘support’ board with a way of locking off fixed threads. I’ll try installing it somewhere and see how it works.
I agree that bug-tracking would be nice, but it does introduce some administrative overhead for Brian and/or Chris. I’d be happy to offer some administrative support in that area if needed. 8)
yeah, as i dont fix all current bugs with a new version, and then people get upset i have not fixed there bug, but fixed someone elses bug, first
That’s just the same as every other developer does, so I wouldn’t worry about it.
Having an organised list of problems (I won’t call them bugs as they’re sometimes user error) might be useful. I think it sometimes looks like there are more problems than there really are because multiple threads start up about the same issue. keeping them under control and closed off on completion might help cut the number of active threads down and make it easier to track problems to completion.
I’ll have a try with the mod somewhere else and see how it goes. It might prove to be a useful addition even if it’s not used for problem tracking.
Yes, that’s good idea!
Now in here is almost impossible stay knowing what “bug” is gone and what is not.
Or was that bug only user error, op.sys. error, hardware error or just user hallucination
how about using the wiki for that. when a problem is solved, someone can just erase it :rr:
Also in fairness to Brian, a lot of the bugs/errors he works on are more like user desires for things to work differently. “It’s not a bug fix, it’s a new feature”.
But with wiki anyone can erase anything any time whether it’s a fixed bug or just a slip of the finger!
In which case we should get strict and move those things to the appropriate section of the forum, i.e. feature requests.