Lightninggraph changed

Hello Brian, in version 1016t the lightninggraph is strange cut off

i was doing some resizing for use with the astrogenics nexstorm software
fixing now

Hello Brian, I see on your page that in the versions after 10.17 the size of the lightninggraph is changed, it’s very big now

Can you set it back to its original size? like this.

Oh please
Also another graph if one has both 1-wire and Nexstorm detectors.

Hi Brian,

Please cut off a piece of the bottom from the lightning.gif

Thanks, Ronald

What kind of lightning detector are you using?

Hi Grhughes,

I am using the lightningdetector from T.Bitson
Conected to a labjack, the sensor is working perfect, detectingrange 93 miles. The lenght of the antenna is 15.7 inch.
See also my lightningpage

So far so good, 4 days and still rolling, with the Nexstorm lightning.

yes, its great news about the nexstorm being OK now :slight_smile:
I have done some more work on the info screen, and still more to do (like having nexstorms own strike total info)
i will do that today if i get the time :slight_smile:
(the only other problem is a conflict with interwarn seems to be apparent (not related to nexstorm integration)