Is there also a tag for the lightning count for today and this month?
Is there also a tag for the lightning count for today and this month?
Brian? Is there?
there is %lighteningcount%…Lightening counts since noon
and just added
%lighteningcountmonth%…Lightening counts this month
to a new zip, uploading now
been a busy week, not so much time for wd (xmas things, school things, etc)
Ok, no problem Brian
What I meant is not a lightning count since this noon but from 12am to 12am (from midnight during 24 hours)
i used noon because if midnight, then storms in the night you would miss the counts…
but I will add a midnight to midnight counter
Ok, thank you very much Brian!
Hi Brian,
Is there already a tag for a midnight to midnight counter and if so, what is the name?
Open you WDisplay folder…
In it is a file called “owntemplate.txt”
That is all the tags available currently.
To answer your latest question… no… not yet. (But a few people have suggested it when Brian gets some time
owntemplate.txt (76.5 KB)
no, i have not left the country yet, 2 more days time
but the last 2 days has been the PTA giant annual easter auction…
and so I have been working with that long hours!
its 5:30am sunday morning here
i just need to add a midnight to midnight tag/count.//.//will do today
a new 10.23m zip should be ready soon with the since midnight tag
and this is also on the lightning page screen in wd
also the nexstorm info should now show in the gif image on the web site
Ok Brian,
Thanks a lot!
I’m going to give it a try tomorrow. It’s bedtime now here
Well I found a 10.23n .zip LOL
And the “since midnight” tag does appear in the display now
Thanks as always Brian now get packing and give us a shout after you have made that Longggggg trip LOL
Enjoy yourself,
Hi Brian,
Thanks a lot for adding the new tags!
my bad
uploading a new 10.23o zip now
No problem, big thank you!
Hi Brian,
I downloaded the latest update but still the same or do I have to download the full install?
it should be fixed
i am surprised
i have 10.23p zip out now, that should be the one to use
The last one did it, it works fine now Thanks Brian!