Length of 1-wire cable

Does anyone knows the maximum length of twisted pair cable (there are four in a CAT5 cable for networking) I can use between the 1-Wire sensors and the Labjack?
Thanks you. :lol:

50 feet should be no problem, even 100 feet should work Ok i would expect…,…that wire should not give too much resistance, and its only a 5 volt involved

I have a 100’ hooked up here of Cat5 I just used 2 wires together for each single wire!

Thanks both of you. :slight_smile:

I am using a labkjack with the temperature sensor that they have. I just installed the sensor on our dock and it runs approximately 165 feet to the labjack. It seems to be reading without problem…I just used the same cat 5e as everyone else…

I don’t know about the labjack, but my ilink is good for over 300 meters. So the labjack should be comparable.