I have a lacrosse ws2305 (Conrad) with Weather Display WD 10.18. I use com port 1. The program says it’s recieving data. (The little 2 green bloks) Data bloks is counting. But in the display is chanching nothing. Every value says “0.0”
After restart WD says com port ok, but is not receiving data
in the ws2010/ws2500 setup screen, check that the outdoor sensor to use is set as the temperature sensor you want as your outdoor temperature
also, check that the raw barometer reading is not too low…maybe you need to set a barometer offset in wd?
oops, i see you have a ws2300, i though it was a w2010
do you live at altitude?
(maybe you need to set a barometer offset)
also, try control panel, data logger setup, and have that turned off
dallas 1 wire?
unless you have or want to use dallas 1 wire sensors
i am confused in what weather station equipment you have and what you are trying to do with weather display
that station should work OK
i have one here
email me your settings file, wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or C:\winnt
and I will do some checking of your settings