It appears to me that the history.dat file which is generated by Heavy Weather and is used by Weather Display has a couple of bugs in it’s output. The user interface is correct in Heavy Weather for both Pressure and Rainfall but the data which is written to the history.dat file has seems to be wrong for both of these.
3600 = 1006.9kPa
Heavy Weather Software = 1006.9kPa
Heavy Weather History.dat = 1006.6kPa
Weather Display = 1006.6kPa
Weather Display Live = 1006.6kPa
The history.dat file is always 0.3kPa lower than 3600
3600 = 7.2mm
Heavy Weather Software = 7.2mm
Heavy Weather History.dat = 14.5mm
Weather Display = 14.5mm
Weather Display Live = 14.5mm
All Rainfall mm’s in the history.dat file seem to be double the actuals
Can anyone else confirm this is happening to them also and if so how we contact Heavy Weather to get it corrected or can Brian compensate for the errors in his interface ?
there is an absolute and sea level adjusted reading in the heavy weather file
for the rainfall, WD uses the change in the rain total to add rain to its own rain totals , and not the actualy amount in the history.dat file (which is a binary file, and which cant be read by say notepad.exe)
It’s the Pressure Relative which I can read from the Heavy Weather Pro software which is .3kPa different between the gui software interface and the .dat file viewer in the software. Also the Rain total as shown in the .dat file viewer seems to double up the total rainfall therefore when your software takes the difference between the last and current reading it is also doubled.
I guess what I’m trying to say is the .dat file has incorrect values being written to it so if you then use that it will be incorrect ?
i do know the original version and first release of the 3600 in europe has quite a few problems, and so they re released it
check out that forum too
yeh, same rain problem here too using ws3600 and latest heavyweather software.
Records the correct rain when its raining but for some strange reason a few hours after rain (even when fine) it doubles rain total for the day.
I also have a WS3600 and just saw the double rain thing happen today. Rained yesterday .08 inches and then today about 12:30 pm .08 inches of rain were added to the absolute rain column and nothing in the releative rain column.
If anyone hears of a fix, I’d sure like to know. Thanks.
I spoke to La Crosse today about the rain doubling. They were unaware of a problem. The only time they saw it happen was when there was some sort of nearby “radio” interference. They said to see if the additional rain happens at the same time. Don’t think it does with mine.
They also suggested starting a new history.dat file. I did this a few days ago and it rained last night. So far so good, no doubling.