As you probably all know I am in frustrating fight to understand why my 2310 continues to lose its connection to both the external sensors and the host PC…however this is another issue, that I havenoticed WHEN the WS is operational and recording data.
Do any others record massive temp/humidity spikes in the graphs? I had 3 over 4 hours of WS "uptime"before I lost connectivity. Interestingly the tempplunged to -29.8 C in the worst case scenario… It was never this cold!!!
Anyway, I am curious as this may point to a loss in communication with the hygro/thermo sensor , which in turn, could be causing the faults with the console/PC connectivity. :?:
I’d be keen to hear from anyone who has similar issues,or has had a similar experience.
Best regards
Yeah its interesting that the negative spikes seem to occur regularly and in some pattern, perhaps every three/four hours… That was what got me thinking that the thermo/hygro sensor was faulty… more investigation will be needed.
I am going to change all my cabling. In my haste to install the system and go “live” I merely used the cables supplied. I have not bothered to shorten them and have a coil of cable on my roof that could be causing some issues. I will use Cat5EUTP for all the new cabling and see if that makes any difference…
How do you find the 2310 anyway? Have you done the mod to the anenometer cabling?
Also, your data loss between console and PC is exactly the issue I have, except I struggle to reinstate the comms lionk betwen them even after restarting PC and WS…
what does happen is that when there is a lost signal, if wireless, then its a 0oF reading, i.e -32oC
weather display ignores the spikes, but has a reset…so if the loss of signal continues, then rather than just keep flat lining, it then sets to the last reading…also, the graph lines are an average of the last minute readings…hence they wont actualy get to -32 unless its at that for 1 minute
what i will do is ignore -32 completly…
that will help
in the next version of weather display
its a pity la crosse just does not report the last known good temperature, or at least send a obvioulsy silly reading of day -255
Ah i see, thanks for the explanation Brian. I just reste the extreme low temp counter in WD…then I could not reestablish the comms uplink to the console!!! Its becoming funny now rather than frustrating!! Ricky has posed some excellent commments/ideas so I will be keen to have a go at them over the next few days and report back the findings.
For the most part I like the 2310, seems pretty accurate but as some of the other posts have indicated, they use low cost cabling. I have not modified the anemometer since I have not had the high wind spike symptoms (yet!). I might do so if I start experiencing trouble. The 128-second polling interval while in wireless mode is too long for my liking, especially for the wind speed data. This sets you up to miss a lot of wind gusts. I wish it would report the highest gust since the last data packet. If you can stay in wired mode the interval is much shorter, but I am having a hard time with the concept of putting a hole in my house (or is it the Mrs?).
Another thing to try; if you have trouble with the com port, go into WD ctl panel, com port setup and pick another com port and then the correct one again and check OK. This works with my machine when I have problems with establishing a data link. Not sure why it works for me but I have to do this often, it was driving me crazy before I figured out how to
Interestingly, Weather Down Under (the supplier of the ws2310) is sending me a new serial cable for between the Console and the PC…that may.may not be the cause of the problem…fingers crossed it is!!! :?:
But still, a plug for the lads at WDU, great service, and very helpful…