LabJack Lightning Counter

How is the LabJack device used as a lightning counter? I have searched the web for examples of how the Labjack could be used to count lightning, but have not found anything. Is the Labjack used to interface a commercial lightning sensor, or can one be built and hooked into the unit such as the one shown here . Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you

this one:

its supported directly in WD as a dallas 1 wire counter, and you set the rom ID for that counter in the dallas 1 wire setup
if you dont have a dallas 1 wire counter, then you can still use it with any weather station type…i do :slight_smile:
just set in the com port setup to use a dallas 1 wire as well…

the labjack…you set that up under setup, i have a labjack…and set up you have a lightning counter…and yes it uses a commercial counter or you could even hook in the above counter (that would be eadier to set up in wd and less cpu intensive too)

Give Jim K an Email: Jim K [email protected]
Jim has one running and either helped design or did design the labjack. He’s a member of this forum but can’t get in for some reason.

Thank you

I tried emailing Jim K, but never received a response. What I am actually trying to find out is if the lightning detector listed at can be interfaced directly into the labjack interface without needing to use the Dallas 1 wire board.

yes, you should be able to do that
by finding the 2 wires which go to the 1 wire counter, and put those direct into the labjack…

What I am actually trying to find out is if the lightning detector listed at can be interfaced directly into the labjack interface without needing to use the Dallas 1 wire board.
Essentially yes. Have a look at []( I used a similar circuit with a small interface via an opto-isolator, circuit provided by Jim, to directly link into the CNT input of the labjack. Works well.


Hello WD users,

Is this all you need for the lightning detector? and the DS9097U Universal 1-Wire Com. Port Adapter from

Greetings, Ronald

yes :slight_smile:
(i have one here, just sits inside the window, works great
or you can interface the lightning counter to a
(which is easier in wd to setup, and runs faste in wd (but is more expensive :frowning: )

Thanks Softvark, I was able to build the interface and it worked fine with the Labjack. The only problem I had was getting the 4N33 chip. No one had it locally and I had to order it from an electronics supplyer I use. The shipping cost more than the chip.

Here are a couple of suggestions from nikoshepherd to improve the noise rejection on the interface -

a) An open base connection on the 4n33 is a good lightning detector all by itself. With Darlington couplers it’s a good idea to use a resistor from base to emitter, somewhere 100K to 1 meg to avoid noise problems.

b) Unless the labjack has a low value pull up resistor on the counter input that 15K collector resistor looks high. I would decrease the collector resistor, this will also help with noise rejection.


Hello WD Lightning users,

I have build the lightningboard and connected to the Labjack, then tested with a gaslightner.
I only have counts when i hold the GND wire in my hand. When i connect the GND wire to GND of the labjack, then i have no counts with the gaslightner. Is this correct :?:


I have the same setup as you. I did not connect the GND to the GND on the Labjack but to an external GND (e.g., currently a water pipe). I have not tried this setup with a gaslighter but do get counts which appear to be reasonable for the weather conditions.

I have used hobby board but modified it a little, it is very sensitive to noise from my house and I pickup a few count with no storms. Here is what I did.

I am going to try a different antenna to filter out noise,if it works better I will post. I hope this helps a little. Joe


Thanks for your reply. I too seem to have higher counts than I would expect. Not being too familiar with electronics, your response is exactly what I needed. I shall certainly follow your recommendations. Thanks again.

Good info zeppiline!
I have my 1 wire counter here now, but have not hooked it up yet :slight_smile:
migtht find time today
also, the PC gives counts…
i.e keep the whole thing as far away from the pc as practical
also, dont have the aerial longer than 12cm…otherwise you get too many stray counts :slight_smile:
(at least that is what i found)

we have thunderstorms heading our way today
so i got my counter hooked up to my labjack now
heres hoping i have it correct (as my bray/jennings one is slightly different wiring layout) 8O

I’d better rebuild mine then too…! which circuit are you using Brian? for the front end that is, I’ve always liked the response yours got, although being well away from the city helps a lot!

Thank you all for your support about this subject. I have modified the hobby-board, and the detector is standing in the window now.
On my site you see the WD graph. I verify my counts with a boltec radar site in Klundert 50 km. south of my station.

ricky, i have a david bray/jennings design
some of the components were in different places comared to the above diagram.,…
i think i have done it correct…
let me know how you get on…
or i might try and get a BBQ ligther…