Just installed 1.08 and...

Now I get a serial number error… if I revert to 1.07 it works fine…

Anybody else seeing this?

It works OK for me. Sounds like something is stuck in a cache. Try closing down all your browser windows and re-opening. If that fails clear the browser cache. If you’re using IE try clicking CTL + F5.


no probs here either
check you have not stuffed something in the text file which has the info you had to change, red version number, etc

Works great here also!

Tb 8)

No problems on the Isle of Wight.

maybe try it again stuntman?
there must have been something missed :wink:

Just viewed http://detail.hemetweather.com
at 21:00 bst and all was working fine on your site.

I did have a problem a while back where I ran the unzipped index.html file, and that prevented me from viewing it on the pc I use, but it worked fine on others.

By clearing the IE cache it sorted it out.

hey, yup, yes, i see 1.08 is there now, and its working ok :wink: