First just noticed that my realtimegraph is not uploading but is being created. i have looked at the ftp logs and its is expecting a jpg file to upload instead of the gif file it should be uploading have jpg un ticked.
Just for info Brian i tried test unit with jpg and the ballaugh and ballaughdial were not created as jpg’s but gif’s. the summary jpg was created but web page looking for gif, station name ballaugh in my case using 10.12z.
I changed to jpg too and everything seemed to be ok, until I discouvered that the gizmo.gif was no longer being produced. But still the last one produced was ftped as usual.
the gizmo is a animated gif…
cant be done with a jpg
but i guess wd should still be updating/uploading it…i will fix that soon
what is the exact file name hcorin? realtimegraph.gif?
update, ok, i found that bug (hopefully there are not too many more from the addition of a jpg option)
uploading 10.13 now
Ok Brian i think the realtimegraph.gif is uploading now, but another problem has shown up as shown in test/extrarealtimegraph link should look like weather/extrarealtimegraph link this is also causing strang things to happen with extrarealtimegraph2
yes, i have revamped the extra sensor real time graph, and so you will need to change it under setup
(see in the version history)
i.e it now goes, temperature, next line is humidity, then temperature, then humidity again,…
i.e you most likely will have to change the from and to scales for lines that were humidity but are now temperature
there is also option to plot all as extra temperatures…
ok, the change will be because of the rewrite i did
(i pulled off years of layers of plasters)
becuase your station type already plotted temp/hum/temp, etc then it should be OK
but, also, set to show sensor 1, as that should be extra temperature sensor 1, in the setup
i have checked the code for largedisplay.jpg
it should be OK
checking the extrasensorgrpah2.jpg now
i have found out why that one is not being created…i missed adding the necceary code…
i will update that today…
thanks for finding these things for me :oops:
1 sensor 5 value does not change when the mouse is ran over graph
2 sensor 6 is in deg C but plot line is in correct place on graph for the % value i.e. 47% any ideas
3 some of the scales on right disappear juring my setup but have not come back
the ballaugh and ballaughdial were not created as jpg's
any news on these two files not being jpg’ed from yesterdays post, still not doing it in 10.13
Not at home right now to check for sure, but to answer your questions off the top of my head.
1- I think “Not Creating”. I don’t really upload the files. I just have them created on my local web server.
2 - Yes, I think I run the animated dials. I would think that if that was the case, the html created would continue to point to the GIF’s instead of looking for .jpgs
ok Brian read your earlier post while at work so just tried unticking animation and these were created and uploaded
2 - Yes, I think I run the animated dials. I would think that if that was the case, the html created would continue to point to the GIF's instead of looking for .jpgs
interesting point
summary.jpg being uploaded but web page looking for summary.gif
another one for you Brian
mesomap.jpg is not being created but mesomap1.jpg (example number) is.
m2esomap.jpg seems ok
programerrorlog giving the following
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
ERROR: I/O error 102 at time/date 18:18:19 17/06/04
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
ERROR: I/O error 102 at time/date 18:21:03 17/06/04
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
Access violation at address 007FC18A in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000000
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