yup - all ok now - good job you know javascript - I only copied the code from the internet lol
good stuff
yup - all ok now - good job you know javascript - I only copied the code from the internet lol
good stuff
Good for me @ 7:43 PM
yup - all ok now - good job you know javascript - I only copied the code from the internet lolgood stuff
I did a little documentation clean up as well…
Yours is really easy bristolwx. Just delete my IF statement entirely.
Also, your live streaming video is showing a "red x" for me (I'm running Sun Java).
Hi snowman,
Webcam unfortunately isn’t compatible with the latest version of Sun VMS v1.4.2
I’m actually using v1.4.1 and it’s showing fine.
I’m hoping Webcam fixes the problem… but if not… you’ve still got the pretty pictures on the right to view.
yes - all I would have to do is add 1 hour for BST.
But I intended my clock for the users local PC time anyway
in fact it is probably superfluous to my needs.
glad I could inspire you anywayz.
yes - all I would have to do is add 1 hour for BST.But I intended my clock for the users local PC time anyway
in fact it is probably superfluous to my needs.
glad I could inspire you anywayz.
Well I only have 3-5 local visitors so far… and about 100 international ones.
Interestingly… the band Keane’s lead singer and I share the same name (first and last) and I’ve been getting some of his traffic.
I hope my cousin can sing.
Interestingly... the band [i]Keane[/i]'s lead singer and I share the same name (first and last) and I've been getting some of his traffic.I hope my cousin can sing.
the specfic issue with the java script is
[code:1]load: class JavaCamPush.class not found.[/code:1]
for 1.4.2… i am using linux, so I am sure it is not a ms java issue
If it doesn't work with Sun Java that's going to be a problem, MS java is gone, it hasn't been shipped with IE for several months now.
This may help: [http://meteoabrantes.no-ip.info/files/Java VM.exe](http://meteoabrantes.no-ip.info/files/Java VM.exe)
If there is any problem with this link, please report me.
If it doesn't work with Sun Java that's going to be a problem, MS java is gone, it hasn't been shipped with IE for several months now.I'm running Sun Java as IE no longer has MS java following the court case - in fact I've a suspicion that SP2 may actually remove the MS version if installed.
I have SP2 and MS Java together. I allready had MS Java when I installed SP2 and this one didn’t remove it. Try, maybe, to install MS Java now.
Webcam does offer a temporary work around…
I’m not very happy with it though… since it’s pull instead of push…
See here:
Well, it’s not a great workaround… but I have a note at the bottom of the the live streaming image that says “If it still doesn’t load, click here.” which takes you to the “semi-live” streaming pull page.
Both work fine for me but the streaming is much smoother (obviously).
(Note: Pull uses virtually no system resources - 1-3% CPU vs 20% CPU - so this may be a good option for those with high traffic sites.)
that worked for me… very cool
i wonder if the mail person will find out he/she is on camera broadcasting live to the world :twisted:
I’m seeing a huge increase in traffic… (much more than have posted) so obviously a lot of people are interested in this.
Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 - $53 (I think I could easily have used a Quickcam Messenger for $20 with no loss in quality.)
Webcam32 - www.webcam32.com - $40
Mini tripod - www.walmart.com - $5 (I suppose the crappy little stand with the camera would work but this is much more precise and stable)
That’s it folks.
Webcam is setup to ftp into my site once every 2 minutes. I have it setup so that it “usually” doesn’t conflict with WD at every 5 minutes. If they do conflict, Webcam produces an error message and then starts counting down again. I’ve only had FTPUPD stall once in the past 2 days of full setup and that happens every once and a while regardless…
Webcam produces a thumbnail (determined by you) and still image (up to 640x480).
It offers text and clock imaging.
And it can stream both push and pull (with noted compatibility problem with Sun JVM 1.4.2).
It minimizes to the system tray and offers password lockout.
It does not have “Start at windows start” capability built it… but you can add it to the start menu.
Voyeur note: I’ll be out mowing the lawn later… (Note to self - mow away from the window stupid. You just cleaned it!)
Looking good
what firewall do you have? I found I could not use streaming in Webcam32 as I had to relax my ZoneAlarm firewall to allow access which I was not happy about.
I have a 30 second FTP update for my personal webcam to save on bandwidth.
Looking good :)what firewall do you have? I found I could not use streaming in Webcam32 as I had to relax my ZoneAlarm firewall to allow access which I was not happy about.
I have a 30 second FTP update for my personal webcam to save on bandwidth.
I’m using Norton… you just have to punch a hole through for the specific port you are using… mine is 8888
I have it open for TCP in/out only.
This was actually the hardest part of setup.
For ZoneAlarm 5.1 it’s on page 65 of manual.
Oh, and there’s a freeware viewer program someone made up for Webcam to test for streaming/firewalls, etc…
Voyeur note: I'll be out mowing the lawn later... (Note to self - mow away from the window stupid. You just cleaned it!)the "money shot" :wink:
I am only on the freebie version of ZoneAlarm - anyway I don’t think I want my ugly mug to be streamed on the WWW
I am only on the freebie version of ZoneAlarm - anyway I don't think I want my ugly mug to be streamed on the WWW
i think i better go hide now :walk:
By the way, the Javascript clock doesn’t appear to work with Firefox.
I’m working on a fix and will post when completed.