It just stopped receiving data!

After upgrading my home computer to v. 10.16r and entering the registration code Brian sent me, on Saturday night everything was working fine. Then, as I slept at about 5 AM Sunday, W-D seems to have just stopped accepting data. Nothing changed at the Peet station, it reads properly. The cable hasn’t been moved, and the correct Comm port is selected and designated OK on the top of the screen. The correct station is selected.

The Data Received and Data quality LED’s stay red (the number reads “0”). In View>Program error log the log is blank. I have restarted W-D many times and ebooted 3 times with no change. Often when I restart W-D a window tells me “W-D is already running” even though I closed it with the “X” button in the upper right. I have found that after I close W-D with the “X” button in the upper right, if I look in Task Manager>Processes I usually find “WeatherD.exe” listed.

The main graph sits at the point the data stopped flowing, but very strangely the hour designator nearest the last datapoint, which should read “05”, now reads “113”! Another odd thing, the data on that station’s website is stuck at 4:15 PM Sept 04, about 12 hours before the failure of W-D to record data.

Any suggestions, folks?

it sounds like there is another version of WD starting up…and running, and getting control of the com port…maybe…
use this program:
(unzip and then run it) to find all the start up programs…

the other thing to try is:
as a test:
install WD to a new location (using wdisplay32.exe)
and then create a file there called 2wd.txt (i,e save a file with notepad.exe called 2wd) and then start wd there…it will start like brand new…and set up the basic settings

Hi Brian,

I installed "startupman"but it didn’t show any W-D programs in any of the 4 tabs.

I reloaded 10.16r as described, in C:/Program Files/Weather Display Test and added 2wd.txt. When I start from there a virgin W-D came on. After setting the comm port and weather station W-D read 1 data set, then the Data Received LED stays red (the number reads “1”). The Data quality LED stays green. I closed the “2wd” version of W-D I tried to open it again but each time I got a warning of not enough of a “paging file”.

I moved the Weather Display Test with 2wd.txt into the D:/Program Files/Weather Display Test file. At first only part of the file would move from C: to D:. Then I discovered four listings of “WeatherD.exe” in Task Manager>Processes! After ending all of those I was able to complete the move to D:.

I started W-D from Weather Display Test but both the The Data quality LED and Data Received LED stay red (the number reads “0”) even though the top bar reads “Comm Port OK”.

something fishy going on
check to see if you have wdwatchdog running (looks like an hour glass down in the system tray)
if so, exit that…it will be starting up instances of wd…

No hourglass in the system tray. I’ve rebooted; no difference.

next Q:
does it say trial or registered across the top of the program?
(i.e is the register menu item greyed out)?

the reason is say that is it might not be registered corrctly, and has expired
( i now have the check for that occuring after the first minute…)
email me direct…

Even though Brian is on this, I thought I’d add my 2 cents.

I have found a similar problem when I exit WD using the “X” at the top right corner. It seems to exit properly to get WD to shut down properly on my machine is by using the “exit” menu item at to top most left, and hit “exit” in that drop down. When I had the same type of problem, I updated to the newest version after properly shutting down WD, and a rebooting before and after the new installation.
It seems that WD needs to be shut down using the exit function on my machine.

Maybe this is a linked problem - if not I apologise to the thread author. Sometimes I have to shut WD down for a number of hours (when the kids stay). I suspect that they are also closing the program using the X in the top right hand corner and even not bothering at all - just logging the user off (in XP Prof). This forces closure of all apps running under that user ID.

I have had problems with calculating daily min and max values for the day when this happens.

When I restart WD it takes ages to process the data from the logger (Vantage Pro). The Watchdog thinks the program has crashed and tries to load another instance. This is very annoying as you cannot stop the second instance running - even if you say Cancel when warned that this is going to happen.

Interesting ideas. I have always exited using the “X” in the top right hand corner, no problems untill now. No kids using this machine = the program is always closed before a reboot or upgrade (otherwise it runs all the time).

Showing my ignorance again is there supposed to be a difference between shutting down via using the “exit” menu item at to top most left, and hitting “exit” in that drop down or using the “X” in the top right hand corner? I always assumed the “X” was just a link to the same process as “exit”.

Using file and exit generally tidies up any hidden processes before exiting the app. I have noticed a very quick yellow progress bar when closing WD using save and exit. Hitting the X just kills everything dead.

Speaking only for myself and using Delphi, house rules state that the “X” usage will be directed to any menu exit function. English translation: it is possible that selecting close from the system bar [OnCloseQuery] to have different properies[characteristics] then a programmed menu exit.

We’ve spent too many hours debugging multiple exit point errors to NOT enforce a single exit procedure.

actualy, i have it where you can set a exit password…i.e clicking on the X will not close the program…and so that is why it is treated differently

i dont think the closing routine is the problem…

its something else…as larry started up a fresh version, no settings, in a new directory, with the 2wd.txt file, and stil no data from the weather station…

it will hopefully end up being a “slap head” moment before he pulls out his hair!

I hope so, because I have very little hair left to pull out

I have a Peet U2100. Could it be the serial port mode ( there are 4) doesn’t match your setting on WD?
Just a thought.

I imagine it could be, but it seems unlikely it would just change for no reason. But I’ll check it.

that has happened to others before…

next Q: does it say trial or registered across the top of the program? (i.e is the register menu item greyed out)?

the reason is say that is it might not be registered corrctly, and has expired
( i now have the check for that occuring after the first minute…)
email me direct…

So the trial version (while waiting for a registration key) will show Register grayed out and will stop accepting data after one minute? I thought I had a com port problem on the trial as it works briefly then just stops and continues to show the data that existed at the last minute…

what does it say across the top of the program?

Larry got wd to work…the weather station was not sending data,…starting up wv32 got that reset…
i have not heard of that happeing before…anyone else (ultimeter 2000)

I’ve had it happen a couple of times - when I shut the computer down without shutting WD down once, and the other, I’m not sure what happened. The thing that fixed it both times for me was to disconnect all power and battery backup from the ultimeter, disconnect the serial cable, shut down wd, then reconnect the serial cable to the ultimeter, and power it back up, then bring WD back up. I suspect something within the serial link locks up the ultimeter’s serial port.

When i exit WD i found that every time i enter
it it says the program is already running yet it
isnt so i continue and eventually after opening
WD so many times my computer comes to a
standstill and i have to restart it :?