The wind speed on my WMR-918 failed during Ivan at 21 mph. It read zero wind speed for about 48 hours but began working again this morning. The wind direction worked fine.
I am a ham and report wind data to the NWS from my coastal residence during storms and I need a more reliable anemometer. I was thinking there might be a reasonably priced wireless unit available. I will mount it about 50 ft up on my radio tower.
You probably don’t need the warning, but watch out what frequency the wireless units use. Mine are on 433MHz, so it’s lucky that I’m not active on 70cms at the moment!
I am very active on ssb weak signal 2m and 70cm. There has been absolutely no interference from the 433 remote wx signals in the 432 .100 area where I hang out. However, the WMR Console puts out extreme interference and I turn it off by removing both adaptor and battery power when using 70 cm. I generally use 70 cm only during contests.
the wmr type station is not very good for windspeeds at the best of times…as it only samples every 10 seconds, and so misses gusts…and takes a long time to ramp up for the average speed
for windspeed, if you are serious, i recommend the davis or ultimeter or even the dallas 1 wire stations
After researching the OS trouble shooting chart and comments from others I am beginning to suspect that moisture was driven into the magnetic sensors or some other part of the anemometer causing the bad (zero) readings. Once it dried out it began working properly. I will have to wait until there is another driving rain storm to test this hypothesis.
if its a sealed mageneticly operated reed switch, then it should not get water in it
but if the moisture was shorting out a circuit, then yes, that could be a factor alright