I have done the web page wizard thru WD and the information gets sent to my Public_html folder. After I make myweather my idex.html I can view the information on the web as a ftp but the information is from yesturday. If I try to use http it won’t load.
I’m also getting this error in the ftp log. file does no exist c:\wdisplay\webfiles\myweather.html
Maybe if you give us the url of your webpage we can try to see what is there. What error do you get form the web server? Dont forget that usually the file names on a web server are case sensitive so if you try to get myweather.html but you called it MyWeather.html the you will not see the file in http. Try ftping the file to your server manually and getting that to show via http first. Then worry about why weatherdisplay is not uploading them.
Here in one of the url’s ftp://<userid>:<password>@users.adelphia.net/public_html/_private/myweather.html
Here is the info for the circled area myweather
Administrator changed real userid/password into and . I think I got these the right way round?
have you got your normal HTTP website URL for us to look at instead of an FTP access?
I also can’t see it. I don’t think the summary.gif is being loaded into your server.
Also you probably want to modify the URL you’ve published as I think it publishes your name and password. I think I was able to log into your ftp account and that’s not good
I have this url now
Try this url http://users.adelphia.net/~jtjnt/myweather.html
ok so going back to Dan’s question - what do you have entered as the weather station file name under web files setup #1?
is it anything different than myweather?
no it is myweather no extensions no spaces. I also ticked use html instead of htm. The time on my page that you view is from yesturday a 5:25 not today.
Here is220 Welcome to Adelphia Powerlink user webspace.
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful. Have fun.
200 Switching to Binary mode.
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 1 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
File does not exist c:\wdisplay\webfiles\myweather.html
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,168,78,29,133,169)
STOR realtimegraph.gif
150 Ok to send data.
226 File receive OK.
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,168,78,29,117,192)
STOR realtimegraph2.jpg
150 Ok to send data.
226 File receive OK. the latest ftp log.
File does not exist c:\wdisplay\webfiles\myweather.html
is the problem it seems - WD cannot find your HTML page to upload
can you see a myweather.html in your webfiles directory?
OK I have done some testing here and it seems to be a WD glitch.
File does not exist c:\wdisplay\webfiles\myweather.html
you will notice a double backslash between webfiles and myweather.html - this is confusing WD into looking in the wrong place.
Try this to reset the webfiles location.
in the web files setup #1 page again first try clicking on the "view web page " button - you should get an error saying it cannot find the myweather.html file (again with that double slash)
click ok to get rid of it
click on “set webfiles location” button and reselect the webfiles directory and click ok to set.
try “view a web page again” - if your myweather page displays ok then fingers crossed that on the next FTP upload it should upload your page!!
give it a try?
Can you tell me the url that I should be entering in the “view a web page”
Now when I click on view page the url I gave you is entered and that is page is shown.
I have a myweather.htm in the directory only no html
Here is the latest log. No double back slashes PASSWORD=****
230 Login successful. Have fun.
200 Switching to Binary mode.
Checking for next FTP agenda…
there are 1 more things to do
Doing ftp upload
Checking there are files to upload
There are more files to upload
File does not exist c:\wdisplay\webfiles\myweather.html
227 Entering Passive Mode (68,168,78,29,214,194)
STOR realtimegraph.gif
150 Ok to send data.
Disconnected: [10053] Software caused connection abort
FTP error occured
FTP error, looking for next agenda item
301: Interrupted
No more files to upload
All Agenda complete, doing FTP log off…
FTP logoff
Doing abort procedure/program close…
ok so maybe the tick you have set to use html has not been picked up - on the same web files #1 page click on the “update html file” which will reset the HTML page to use whatever you have ticked.
then at the next scheduled update see if the html version appears and gets FTPed
Nope still getting file does not exists. Back in my server connections page I don’t have anything listed as my remote dir is this a problem?