Indoor Temperature Offset

I have a situation where my indoor temperature is off by some 30 degrees F or more… using the offset function within WD I can drop about 12 degrees F but no more… can I adjust that number even more in some other manner?


thats badly out!
i will allow a bigger offset in the next version

but otherwise adjust it directly in the wdisplay.ini file
[Indoor Tempoffset2]

note that the number stored there is in oC, and is *10

(and then restart wd)

I just installed the latest version… ‘x’, but didn’t see a larger offset… I’m guessing either my temp probe needs recalibrating at Peet… or my Ultimter Console is freaking out having the outdoor sensor inside! In either case, it would nice if I could tweak the offset to the correct amount… either by entering the offset in a textbox, or having more options in the scroll box…

Let me know, when you get to it, in the mean time, I’ll see if I can’t modify it as you suggested above…

Thanks Brian!