I’m in order to buy a WeatherHawk weather station.
Is there someone that can give me his impressions, suggestions ?
I’m in order to buy a WeatherHawk weather station.
Is there someone that can give me his impressions, suggestions ?
Brian had one. Maybe he will see this.
Please Briaaaaannn, see this messaaaage
yes,its now my main weather station I use all the time.
Best anenometer and wind vane you can get (maximum and NRG), but they are using a reed switch in the anenometer.
Best wirelss range you will get, 1 mile out of the box…I am getting reception at 750 meters or so.
Update time is every 10 seconds in WD, but in windy weather its every 5 seconds…and I am going to increase that to every 2.5 seconds for over say 40 knots, so it can pick up the gusts better.
Get the larger solar panel option.
Rain guuge: its on top of the station: not good…so i removed it, and i have it mounted near the house instead , and use a dallas 1 wire counter to record the rain tips.
Temperature/humidity: mounted in a not very good way right under the main station…it gets radiated heating, etc…so I instead use a dallas 1 wire humidity/temperature sensor in a stevenson screen near the house (ie the main station is mounted on a hill top). I told weatherhawk thy need to make this removeable with wireless trnsmission…they admitted it does heat up more than it should… (by 4oC i found !)
robustness: excellent…strong /durable, well sealed.
Cost: most expensive station…but ask not to get VWS software with it
hope that helps
Ok, good Brian.
I’ve asked them to modify the RainGauge connection so I can use another one ( a 0.1mm resolution from Texas Instruments ).
For the thermometer I said the same thing…I think that I will modify the station in some way, I don’t know how.
The best things is the mega-reception !!! I’ve to use the 2.4 GHz
Ok, thanks for your impressions.