Is it possible to import weather link data to weather display?
At this time I am using weatherlink but would like to use weather display but do not want the old data lost!
Thanks Stephen (beebtrek)
Is it possible to import weather link data to weather display?
At this time I am using weatherlink but would like to use weather display but do not want the old data lost!
Thanks Stephen (beebtrek)
it is…but its not always plain sailing
i have a facility, under action, import log files…
but it depends on the verison of weather link, and how many sensors you have, etc
i.e davis log file formats change all the time
you need to get weather link to create a file called download.txt
for all the data you have in the data logger…or that you can get from some files…
and split it up into individual month only files…
email me one so i can look at it