Importing log files from WV32

I want to move about 2 year’s of data from WeatherView32 v.6 into W-D. Using the “Import log files from othert software>Weather View 32 log file conversion>Weather View 32 log file import” screen I selected “Ultimeter_Data_01.Dat” in WV32 which is a 125 MB file. I click “Convert this file now” but usually nothing happens (one time it said “Phase 1 complete” or some such after a bit). No old data appears in W-D. Questions

Is this the correct file?
Will W-D convert a .dat file?
How do I set “Indoor humidity in the data”?
How do I set “Number of data records (16 is default)”?

I also tried exporting the data from WV32 as a .txt file with WV32’s export utility, but W-D’s import utility won’t open that either.

I’m running Windows 2000.



yes, you will have to use the .txt export
email me that file and i will have a look
the problem with importing other softwares logfiles is that the logfile format is always changing
for WV32, if a station does not have say humidity, then there is no humidity in the data, etc
same goes for davis wlink…if you have solar, then that is there in the logile, if not, then its not
makes it hard !
but, email me the file, and I will see what i can do :wink:

Ok, i got it working (with no changes to the program)
here is what you need to do
with the file that you sent me, WV_export_8-17-04.txt
you need to spilt up each month into separate files
then choose those files one at a time, to import, and , tick humidity in the data, and set the number of data records to 18
that worked for me (you can see the data under view, graph history)
but one problem is that the data is only recorded every hour,…so the graphs are “squashed”

Thanks, Brian. I’ll give it a try tonight.