How do I import data I have previously backed up?
I have just re-installed XP and need to restore my data,
How do I import data I have previously backed up?
I have just re-installed XP and need to restore my data,
just unzip of copy to the correct location
(i.e logfiles to the folder logfiles, datafiles, to the folder datafiles)
and if you had backed up the file wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt, copy that too the the appropriate location too
Sorry Brian but I’m not the most computer literate person!
I have unzipped the data backup files and then copied and pasted them into their respective folders. Is that correct, because it doesn’t seem to work?
that should work
but also, you might have set the location of the datafiles or logfiles differently…try resetting them…to where you have unzipped the back up files…see under setup, extra/misc settings (in the latest version)
also, the last 12 hour graph is the file latest.inf…was that in the backup?
also try restarting wd