I cant access weather-display.com, anyone else?

for the last 12 hours
anyone else have that trouble ?
it seems to be a DNS issue

(and periods of 30 to 60 minutes every day the server I can not access too)

I had problems last night around Midnight our time. Sent you a PM on it. I’m -700 UTC.

The issue there was not DNS, I had the IP, I just couldn’t get there.

Works for me at the moment.

just talking to vinay, who lives only 50 minutes from me
he can get to it OK, but that is through a different ISP
florian is looking into it, as he too is have some trouble

a dial up connection, to the same ISP as my wireless broadnand, using a 56k modem, and i could access the weather-display.com web site, when the wireless broadand connection could not get a connection, even on the same PC!
I think I am blocked 8O

Working okay from here…

hi a tracert was OK
but a restart of my wireless router and now I can connect to the web site with the broswer,
but now the FTP login is now not accepted (and Florian has that same trouble)


well, its gone back to the way it was
so me and the girls went fishing instead ! (its a saturda)
as it was such a nice late spring day…no wind
and we caught lots of little snapper we had to throw back, and 2 gurnards!
the bigger was is in the photo
the boat is the father in laws, ith a seagull outboard!
the harbour is only 3 minutes down the road, and even though it was low tide, we could get the boat to the water no problems .
great place NZ :slight_smile:

this time after restarting the router, i turned off all my ftp
now i can still access the weather-display.com web site, I just cant ftp to it, because someone has changed the login username or password…and all the failed logins, the router must have decided, i will block all access to that IP address!

It’s a very intelligent router to do that for an outbound connection! What type of router is it?

weird i know
but thats what must be happening
its a d-link di-624 wireless

its more likely the server is blocking me after so many failed ftp logins,…i.e blocking my IP address

That is far more likely.

after 72 hours, I can now FTP again :slight_smile:
( i have not yet heard what was wrong)