HWS-template (WD34) beta test topic

So did I. Barometer’s better, though :slight_smile:

one thing I notice is that when switching to the light theme the menu is then hard to read (white boxes on black background) :wink:

Personal opinion: I have always found the light theme hard to read, but that menu is dreadful. Sorry.

I prefer the square.

I prefer the round, haha :slight_smile:
I wonder if that can be an option for the viewer?

The version at http://wd34.weather-template.com/pws07/ is an alpha version,
A similar one is at https://www.weerstation-herent.be/pws07/
There are two as I have to test different continents for forecast scripts and unit conversions.
And different weather-programs which do not always have the same data-items

Problem CSS missing for light theme menu solved 05-05

Discussion “Round” “Square”
The dials ( the sun-dial barometer) a.s.o. are round.
That can be optional for some other large “things” in the middle such as for Temperature, AirQuality
But not for all. Rain remains a rectangle-bucket. Indoor uses a coloured house

All small parts with text in it have to remain in an rectangle, with or without border.
The other languages, translates from English, and need for the translated texts more or less room.
So the texts need to freely move from the middle as it is now.

“Light/Dark theme”
There are only a dozen or so items different between Light/Dark themes.
It is therefor feasible to have far more themes to choose from. Like yellow, red, green a.s.o. As with other templates.

Thanks for the positive remarks.



I liked the square best,Mostly because text was in boxes.
If round, it looks best without text in box.


good fix on the menu Wim when using light theme :wink:

Yes, that’s better :slight_smile:

I am now testing the “extra blocks” version.
I could choose (for now) for adding an extra row (4 rows of 3) or an extra column (3 rows of 4).
But the latter looks far better on a tablet.
I also added an extra small block in the top-row as those are all less wide compared to the large blocks.

In easysweather one can select yes/no for the extra small block
And yes/no for the extra column with the normal blocks.

It is in alpha test now at http://wd34.weather-template.com/pws07/index.php.
To compare the different versions, the other test-site will remain with 3 rows of 3.


looking good

Looks good, but shows a fraction wide on my 1280x1024 screen, in Edge and Chrome?

This is an alpha and meant to get the feedback, thanks :smiley:

Yes it it to wide, calculation error on my side. 4 columns ==> 1296 px.
Can use an extra row and not an extra column.
The extra row will force a scrollbar, but there is ample room for that.

I will check later how to trim it to 4 * 320 and not 4 * 324 px =>max 1280


I found that easier, too :smiley:

I see the alpha versions show Max Wind again, like old versions of the template (see Reply #121 above).

Is this Max Average Windspeed - e.g. clientraw #113?

I had a few mails and yor remarks in the past. So for now this seems to be correct:

	$weather["wind_speed"]          = convert_speed ($wd[1],$from,$to);
	$weather["wind_speed_avg"]      = convert_speed ($wd[158],$from,$to);
	$weather["wind_gust_speed"]     = convert_speed ($wd[2],$from,$to);
	$weather["wind_speed_max"]      = convert_speed ($wd[113],$from,$to);
	$weather["wind_gust_speed_max"] = convert_speed ($wd[71],$from,$to);


I believe so!

It now fits “as designed” in 1280px available screen area.
At 1279 or below it switches to 3 blocks / row
At 639 or below to 2 blocks / row.



I see you have made the small blocks the same width as the large blocks. Good idea. I tried to get 5 small blocks across 4 large blocks :frowning:

I like the overall effect of round “things” here :slight_smile:

OK, more feedback.

  1. Colours ringed are too bright (includes all new icons) - see bright.png

  2. Colours highlighted (daylight hours/luminance) are not bright enough - see dim.png

IMHO :slight_smile:



Even better now, I see: small blocks scale automatically to show 5 across 4 columns, 4 across 3 :slight_smile: