I’m wondering if anyone else has had Humidity spikes occassionally with their Davis Vantage Pro. I had another one this morning. For a couple minutes the humidity will jump to 100% and then continue on about were it was before the jump.
I’m sure that there is nothing near the unit that is causing this.
I’ve not yet checked the console itself to see if it has the same data or if it is just WD picking up bad data.
I’ve also not yet tried it, but I assume that I can reset these values so that they are no longer in the data?
I’ve had that happen a few times the last couple weeks. I would get like many minutes or hours of 100% readings. I usually wasnt around when it happend, but the other night I was. I have a wireless Vantage Pro, and I had lost signal. All the values on the console were —, and had the L or R, or whatever it is in the bottom right corner. Did some repositioning of the console etc and finally got a signal back and all was well.
My location of the console is very touchy as I had a border line signal… Notice I said had, just received a solar repeater today, and have it up and running. I moved my console to a location that would barely RX before and all seems well. Ill have to do some more playing and finaly mount the repeater. It’s just sitting on a patio table outside right now.
On a side note, I also ordered the Davis Weather Echo, (Not the Plus), and I think it’s supposed to receive barometric pressure form the ISS, but it hasnt seemed to yet, need to do some more reading, but I thought maybe someone had some expierence with it.
Welll I looked at the data using WeatherLink and it shows no reading for that same time period but curiously shows that signal strength was not lower than 79% at any time the whole night and up to 100% for most of the night.
However, signal strength is a big question mark to me since I have two wireless components, the ISS and the Anemometer. I don’t think this is showing the strength of both. So it is possible it had no signal from the ISS during that time and the Anemometer was fine.
I too plan on getting a repeater, I’ve just not yet figured out if I need two of them for the two wireless units, or if one will handle both. I have to read the manual again. This would let me put the console where I really want to put it as well.
When I had the bad ISS the humidity was missing from the WL data, but the other parameters were good.
You only need one repeater, it works by receiving the data packet from the remote station(s), and then retransmitting with a modified ID tag attached. It’s not like a regular radio repeater that receives on one frequency and re-transmits at the same time on a different frequency. All the sensors use the same frequency, the difference is the packet ID. To anticipate your next question, yes, there are collisions from time to time just like any network.
Thanks for the info on the repeater. My first read of the manual seem to indicate that but I was not sure.
The spikes have only happened 3 times that I’ve noticed over the past week or so, and normally only for a minute or two. I actually didn’t notice the spikes it was the high Dewpt that caught my attention.
I assume that I can edit those entries and nullify them. Will look into how to do that tonight durning the play time.
you can edit them out using the correct graph
see under setup, graph setup
and you can directly edit them out of the logfile (i.e 102004lg.txt)
i have not had this happen to me
it too alot of fiddling,and even the aerial on the console has to point forward slightly, but now my reception is really good