How to use DDE Setup

I am trying to use an existing interface that uses OneSix DDE server. My usual dde query takes this form “ONESIX|temp1!input”, where ONESIX is the server, temp1 is the sensor, and input is the temp reading of that sensor.
I don’t know what to enter in the DDE Client setup form (under Setup pulldown-Extra Settings/Misc. settings. I see where the dde server (ONESIX) is input on the form but what do I put in the “Server temp conv name” and what is a conv name? Do I need to put something in the “Extra temp dde name” and what about the “Use individual conv names” switch. Should it be on or off?

stands for conservation
ie for talking to each other
i would set that as:
and the extra temp
(i.e a extra temperature sensor for WD)
and the server application name as:

I’m still not getting anything from my sensors via dde.
I tried various iterations but I am not sure I understand what goes where in the DDE setup dialogue box.

Server temp conv name
Is this where I put the TOPIC from my DDE server? In my case this is “temp1” for my first temperature sensor.

Extra temp dde name
Is this where I put the ITEM from my DDE server? In my case that would be “input” for the temperature reading from the sensor.

I read somewhere that the term “conversation” in DDE parlance refers to a combination of SERVICE and TOPIC. Does this mean I should combine my SERVICE (ONESIX) and TOPIC (temp1) or does the program do that for me?
12/29/04 I still don’t have the answer I need to get this working.

Does anybody know how to setup DDE Server?

why do you need to get it to work this way at all?
weather display works directly with 1 wire devices via the dallas 1 wire adaptor, which is much cheaper than the point size adaptor, and you dont even need the point size dde server at all (which is all very expensive)

[quote author=windy link=topic=6507.msg45720#msg45720 date=1104477250]
why do you need to get it to work this way at all?

Well it is a long story. The short version is that I bought an HA4 & DDE Server to see if I could use my one-wire sensors with an existing installation of VWS( my OS Weather Station had broken). Support at VWS has been slow working on the DDE Server

post here a screen shot of what you have set in the dde setup
(but I am now out for the rest of the day)

OK here is a screen shot of the dialog box. My usual query in excel is : onesix|temp1!input

should be just
try that

but also its case sensitive
and so it might need to be

and even

I hav’nt got any readings yet but I made some progress. I copied onesix.exe to the WD directory and made sure it was named ONESIX. Now when I open WD it also opens the ONESIX Server. However I still can find any temp reading using temp1, Temp1, TEMP1, temp,Temp or TEMP. Am I looking in the right place? There is nothing on the main screen. I also looked under Vew, Extra sensor real time graph and clicked the Other graph and the More sensors buttons. Is there any place else I should be looking.

try not have turned on, use individual conv names (should not be needed)