I have been having a discussion with my hosting provider about this and it seems that they thought they had disabled it but in fact this is not happening. If it had been disabled I would have discovered this early in the development and would have used a different set of coding in the first place - very annoying. I will try to find the time to change the code and release a new set of files but this may take some time.
It is also possible that either other hosting sites do not disable eval or their coding is suspect and the disable does not work as is the case with my hosting provider. You can easily see what your provider has set up by running the small script I told hcorrin about to run phpinfo (see here) and check the list of commands in the disable_function section of the output of that script, if it lists eval and my scripts still work then your provider has an issue with their setup. In which case I suggest reporting it because it may be other commands are not disabled many of which are very dangerous in the wrong hands.