How to get averages/extremes loaded on customised web page

If I use the standard web pages WD updates the values in the drop down menu to select the months for averages/extremes just fine. However when I use a customised web page there does not appear to be any variable I can use to get WD to fill in the menu. At least I have not been able to find out how to do this. Anyone know if it can be done (other than manually)?

%dropdownlist%…Creates the drop down list selection

Thanks… me being blind as usual it is there in the info!!!

Anyway using this I get the following code generated

which givces me two go buttons and neither work!. Currently I only have one month as my station is brand new!

try making sure you have the December2004.htm selected in the drop down before clicking on the Go button
and that the December2004.htm file exists in the same directory as where this custom tag is…

Firstly why do I get two GO buttons in the generated code?

Yup I did that and it still did nothing. I can display the correct file, it is in the folder and I can load it into the browser manually.

OK I have found out why the first button did not work, I left out some code by mistake.

However it does not explain why I get the second GO button code generated!

there are two buttons because the button code is repeated - Brian needs to remove one of the

<INPUT TYPE=“button” VALUE="Go"onClick=“jumpBox(this.form.elements[0])”>

occurrences from the code

Yes I know that the code has been generated that way, but it does not always do that. On the standard web page there is only one button, so I am wondering if it is something I may have done with the rest of the page to cause it. So I am looking for what may have caused the code to do that and give Brian a bit of help. Anyway I have now cut the page down to this:-

Broadstairs %dropdownlist%

and it still generates two go buttons, so I guess it now needs Brian to take a look at the code.

i see the double up in the code
will get a fresh version uploaded today