How to add picture as background for WDL

Can someone please tell me how to switch from a colored background to a picture that I have? I would like this picture to be displayed on mywebpage behind WDL. :?

In the index.html file add below the line. “yourimage.jpg” being the name of the image you want to use. Reload the index.html file to your web server along with the image file.

I’ve found if you fade the picture a bit with your photo program it tends to
keep from over riding the actual web site info! Good Luck

I’ve used the watermark function to do this before.

thanks for the advice. However, when I tried it my whole web page changed to the picture. I only want the WDL part to be that picture. I want the rest of my web page gray. I nedd to know where to enter the HTML code. I entered it where Julian said but that is when it changed everything. I must have some of the HTML codes in the wrong place. Any advice is a great help. Thanks

i finally got it.
thanks everyone for your advice.