The november dat’s don’t appear anymore in average/extrems/report. Nor in average/extrems/report–correct the data.
The dailylog.txt and the 112004lg.txt files in lhe log directory are still there and correct and updating.
This problem happened after I wanted to correct the rain gauge daily for 7 mm to 0 mm using the SetUp–GraphSetUp–CorrectTheGraphData–SetDailyRainTo0–Correct and Save.
What did I do wrong? Thanks. #-o
After searching for the cause, it appears that the file used by Average/Extreme–Correct the data is corrupted. At the beginning it displays day month year min, but further in the file, all the lines bedgin with month year min. The day is missing.
The correct data appears in 112004lg.txt file.
How can I force WD to use the 112004lg.txt file tu update all the lines of Average/Extremes–CorrectTheData to appear correct in “Click on line to select it” sub window?
Same corrupted display when I click Action–ViewAndCorrectTheLogFile/RainTotal.
Thanks. 8O
there seems to be something in that correct data routine that tends to put 1 line in the log file that then throws out the averages/extreme
to fix, go:
back up your current logfile
go action, convert logfiles to graphs, but tick, convert graph files to log files
then the file month112004.inf should be selected, then click on convert
I did that but no change.
When I open the Average/extrems/Report window no data appears. October data appear if I select in that month to calculate. #-o Cheers
Hello Windy.
I reinstalled the same current version of WD. I did what you told me and now it’s working again.
But the data in Average/Extreme for day is not correct. Each day appears twice or is not appearing
I’ll send you the zipped file.
No errors in program log.
do you have a ws2010-13 data logger type station?
must be something to do with the way the hour and minute is stored in the data file for that station type…
:oops: #-o
Too big a job to manually correct that file.I consider it lost. A this end of the file another week or more of data which were already logged at the beginning of the file. I don’t know which one is correct.
i can fix it for you
zip and email me that log file
(I just use the search facility in notepad.exe to seach for 23 59
(and then change it in the 30 places in the logfile)