How do you start WDlive?

Stupid question, but I read the documentation which comes with the WDLive download, but am unsure on a couple of things.

First, where are you supposed to unzip the files to? I assume unpack under the WD directory, but was unsure.

Second, how do you start it? I poked around inside of the WD console, but could not find the right hooks? Perhaps it is started separately. If so, does it run as a service so it can survive a reboot?


WDL is placed on your webserver not on your local PC. You just need to put the wdlconfig.xml file, the index.html file and the wdlv3_05.swf file into a convenient directory on your website and configure the index.html file so that it points to the location on your website where WD uploads the clientraw files to.

No ‘installation’ in the usual application sense.


OK…then one more…how do I start uploading the clientraw files? I have not found the right place to select that option. Right now, I am only using the canned WD web page template. Thanks.

Have a look at the first FAQ at Weather Display FAQs


Excellent…thanks for the pointer. I did not see the right button in the control panel. It is working now.

Thanks for all your help while I evaluate WD and WDLive. So far I think I will like this much better than WeatherLink and VWS.

Yup - working well!

New version of WDL out this weekend with lots of improvements for Nexstorm users - many more features now than the Nexstorm java applet.
