How do I recover data from the logger

Brian, for some reason something happened whilst I was away and i found WD had closed down, therefore missing data from 14 November at 16.44 through to 15 November 8.10.

Please could you tell ,e the prcedure in order to recover the data from the gata logger please. I am not sure what I am supposed to do. All I did was set the date as the extract from date and time and pressed set and OK, but nothing happened? I am sure there is something I should do.

is this the skyview data logger you are talking about?
after you click on set, you then need to click on get status, then once that arrvies, click on get data

Yes, this is the Skydata data logger. I have tried what you said, and then clicked on status, and the raw data appears to be collecting … but then I wait and wait and wait and the “get data now” button never highlights to allow me to click on it.

How much time do I need to leave it to collate the data? It is now 15 minutes, and the raw data is still being collated. Not really sure what you consider an necessary amount of time.

In the end I pressed cancel, and WD locked up and closed down! I had to reboot it to restart. What can you suggest Brian?
BTW, the settings for the logger are as follows:- Weather station type - WMR918 (obviously); Optional sensors - Extra temp and hum sensor #1,#2; Setup up - maximum/minimum data; Logging interval - Every 1 minute

when you click on get status, you should get a status report straight away, and the get data button should then get displayed
i do know that some others have this working
note, your settings must match the datalogger settings exactly too


I have the same problem with the Skyview datalogger. Because my old laptop has a tendency to crash (not WDs fault I am sure), I did try to set WD to retrieve data from the datalogger each time I restarted the computer (WD is in the start up menu). After 50 minutes the WD data logger screen appears to be collecting data but nothing else happens. Trying to just manually retrieve data (from the WD data logger screen)gives the same results (the status button appears to retrieve data and the retrieve data button never become active). I have not asked you about this as I know you have had other more pressing problems to deal with and I do have some (very poor) software which will let me get the data. It would be nice if I could get the data into WD. Not the end of the world if I cannot though. Hope you are well. :wink:


well, you could try and get me the data that is logged there (but you will have to pull the plug on the serial cable)
the skyview data logger is a nightmare to work with, so many combinations of data sequences and patterns…
i have worked with andy on it before,…he is brave to even ask…LOL
i know it does work for some setups/combinations
but without having the hardware here, its realy hard to get far …

note, your settings must match the datalogger settings exactly too
How to I ensure that my logger is set up the same. Please could you tell me the procedure to do this.

i would use the software that came with it to do that

i changed the url in the default main.svg file
and ran the whole thing from my HD
no pop up error, but no data, exepect for wind direction as html, and a { for the station name), etc
even though the clientraw.txt file does exist on the url

so, i would say that the free hosting provider is putting up some extra html code when the clientraw.txt file is fetched by the HTTP get command with the svg code
and that is putting a spanner in the works

I can provide you with a free FTP server to use instead if you like


I would be happy to give you the data from the data logger (even if it means I have lost what is in there). However, I do not want you to spend a lot of time sorting out a problem which may only effect a few WD users. If it helps you just tell me what I need to do.

Cheers, Bob

Brian ....Because my old laptop has a tendency to crash (not WDs fault I am sure)...Bob
Hi Bob,

When I started using WD I had a laptop, win98SE, screen saver, and a USB COM port. WD was the only program running on the laptop. I had problems. All kinds of problems. The first thing I did was to get rid of the screen saver. That helped. The computer would run for a longer period before crashing. Next I got rid of the USB COM port. I don