How do I change/correct temperature readings?

This morning my web page began reporting temperature readings in the high 80’s and low 90’s F while the temp at the airport just a few miles away showed mid 60

to reset the daily max temperature
go to action, reset daily extreme values
and then click on reset daily maximum temperature

to correct the values on the graph, you can use the graph correct, which sets the value to the value at the correction start point…
see under setup, graph setup, then click then on the graph the point to start the correct, then hold then left mouse button, then release at the point to end the correction
then click on set start end
then tick temperature correction
then click on correct
and then click on save
for the log file, you can manulay edit the temperature logged ,in the text file 62004lg.txt , in the logfiles folder (just double click that file to open it up in word pad or notepad.exe)
or use the auto convert graph files to log file, once you have correct the graph file:
action, convert WD logfiles to grapsh, but then tick, convert graph files to log files, and then select the file month62004.inf
and then click on convert

I had the same problem at certain times of day and year with wrong readings until I bought a passsive radiation shield and mounted the sensor in it. I have an oregon weather station but bought the Davis Passive Radiation Shield, it needed a small amount of modifying as the sensor is longer than the space.
I have mounted the shield in the open so it gets air flowing through it.
I has worked well for the past three months.