How can I regenerate Extreme table?

Around Aug of this year I lost all of my extreme data and WD started to collect a set of new values. Since I have logs going back to 2001, I would really like to have that data included. I have attempted to do it manually by scanning all NOAA reports and noting tremes, and then posting to “my own extreme values”. But for me it doesn’t work as it is too error prone, and the conversions driveme crazy. What I really want to find is the magic button labeled “recreate extremes from logs” :wink:

I have the same problem with rain, nd & temp trends, and Rain details. The displays are only using the last year or two of data for the averages, and I would really like them to consider all logged material.

Can you point me at this magic button, or perhaps, in your huge amount of free time, add such a button to the Action menu?

And in case some one is asking, I did review all three sources of help, online, word doc, and help screen.

Fred LaPlante

i did fix a bug with the year for the extremes from the log conversion,.,latest version
but someone else reports a similar problem
i will do some more experiments…

Hi Brian,

“i did fix a bug with the year for the extremes from the log conversion,.,latest version”

Does that mean that there is a conversion button somewhere? :smiley:

Guess I would like to get any bugs fixed, but right now I would settle for just getting the values posted, regardless of the date. Will wait patiently in background to hear of your experimental results.

thanks for your attention to the question.
