Hours of overnight air frost

I notice so that text in title is in my “Trends graps”.
I don’t see this before. Is that new feature or is mine eyes too old? :roll:
WD is .19s

Now that value is 7.7hr and temperature is been below 0 from yesterday morning.
(local time is now 7pm.)


hey, so its working?
its been there for a long time now…but only shows up if you get readings below zero C (which I dont here at all)

Yes, it works, but I don’t understand how. :slight_smile:
When I writing this, time is 18:10 and that “freeze value” is 7.1hrs. So it’s starting counting about 11:00 today.
That “Reset hours of frost daily” options is on.

I think so that reset should be at midnight, not 11am.


i disagree

if it resets at midnight
then you wont know how many hours of frost you had overnight

Now we have same opinion.
This reset time is not mater in here Finland. Here is allways freeze! 8O
