Off topic, kinda long, unlikely to offend anyone, pretty darn funny.
That is good :lol: :lol:
For those who are interested, the bottle does carry a $0.10 Michigan deposit, and it's pre printed for the other standard deposits for other states ($0.05). So yeah it's like a huge bonus, worth hundreds of times what the table is worth. Remember - I'm throwing that in for free! .................No unfortunately I don't know of any women that are willing to fire the guns naked and send you the pics. If I did I wouldn't be wasting my time writing this auction, that's for sure.
similar to this
It’s like routing on a water bed, but the power switch works! Notice someone (?) bought it. Must have been the free beer bottle (empty per Ebay standards). :lol: :lol:
OT: Niko, re: your comments under Brian’s pictures in other thread. You must be near Sacto. I live there for a few years in the nineties and flew allot in and out of Sacto. I could never understand why they grew rice in a semi-desert climate. Just looked strange. :roll: Why, because the river’s there? Seems like there’d be a more efficient use of water, even in Kalifornya. :lol:
OT: Niko, re: your comments under Brian's pictures in other thread. You must be near Sacto. I live there for a few years in the nineties and flew allot in and out of Sacto. I could never understand why they grew rice in a semi-desert climate. Just looked strange. :roll: Why, because the river's there? Seems like there'd be a more efficient use of water, even in Kalifornya. :lol:We drive I5 through that area every couple of weeks. The whole water thing here in the west is just amazing, the history, the politics, the dirty deeds...