HELP! All my data just dissapeared!

My computer decided that it wanted to chrash and it rebooted itself. When it came back up all the graphs had dissapeared. The wind graph is still intact but the baro/wind spd and temprature/rain graph has all dissapeared.

Is there anyway that I can get it back!!??

Tucker :idea:

there most likely will be an error under view, program error log

try deleting the file (s) latest.inf, latestindoor.inf,graphdata.inf.graphdata2.inf
until it starts up ok
or, try , action, convert logfiles to graphs, choose this months log file, 62004lg.txt, click on convert, wait until finished
then restart wd

OkIf I do that the data comes back up, but when I restart the program all the data that I just imported is lost again. Also when new data is impirted from the logger it also goes.

there most likely will be an error under view, program error log

let me know what that is…

ERROR: The Active property must be TRUE before the AudioReset method can be called at time/date 3:07:01 PM 17/06/2004

thats the weather voice…
reset that, under setup, control panel, next to the weather voice setup…
maybe you had been trying to set that up?
then restart wd

Yeah, that what I thought that error was. I have tried endless attempts to get that working but nothing has worked. I have reset it and set it back up and it just hassent happened. I have a strange feelling its to do with the audio device being used allready, however it used to work then out of no where it stopped and hasent worked since.