have searched forum for an answer but couldn’t locate one if so please direct me. My heat index on real time viewer is too high and does not correspond with web page. Thanks misterweatherman.com/svg.htm
The feels like on the SVG real time viewer actauly uses the humidex temperature,instead of the heat index, which is a canadian one, and it seems to be much better than heat index for showing how hot it is…i.e heat index is more related to how long you can handle that temperature without water… sort of thing…from my understanding…i.e the lower the humidity, the higher the heat index
another good one is apparent temperture…the temperature that it actualy feels like outside, and it takes into account the windspeed and the humidity…like the winchill…but it also works with it being hot and humid, whereas wind chill does not…
(in the latest version of wd, under setup, general and misc, you can display apparent temperature instead of wetbulb on the main screen now
I like what you have done with the SVG real time viewer!
and having a misterweatherman.com is a real coup!
Heat index is a more of a “measure” of a lower evaporation rate, I thought. Therefore, high temps and low humidity cause the evaporation rate to be high. However, with higher humidity, the amount that can evaporate is lower. Since sweat can’t evaporate as fast when it is humid, you can’t cool off as much, and therefore “apparent temp” is higher. The apparent temperature is the heat index.
The Heat Index, which enables the calculation of apparent temperature from the actual temperature and the relative humidity, involves certain assumptions about the human body and the surrounding environment.(World Meteorological Org.)
well, i have seen in high temperatures and high humidity, the heat index is no higher than the normal station temperature
anways, its possible to tweak the svg code to display the heat index, which is in the clientraw.txt file
Hey Brian, thanks for the response. feels like temp is still too hi on real time viewer. have tried reloading/downloading RTV files and using apparent temp. with a restart of WD then the feels like temp. is correct only for a few minutes on the RTV then bolts high. have tinkered with 9/5 + 32 in main.svg file but thats no solution and now that winter is here in south Fla. thought maybe now is the time to fix. Also found that the time of sunrise is off if you use 12hr versus 24hr. Thanks for the flower on svg.htm page.
ah, i too have the same thing with the sun rise/set, moon etc with the 12 hour option
i will fix that
(that was a change I made)
re the feels like, :
check the number that its using in the clientraw.txt file…for that data position for the feels like (in the clientraw.txt file its in oC)