It seems that the program is not working 100% correct yet since I moved it over to new computer.
The data seems to be collecting however the times are all off. If I close and reopen the program it starts collecting with the correct times again but then it will happen again later on. Also it is not e-mailing the weather reports anymore. The settings seem to still be correct when I check them… This new computer does use a firewall (that I think I just was able to disable for now but I would prefer to use it) Not sure what else to tell you about the problems for now…Please help…
what weather station type?
is the time/date on the station the same as that on the pc?
My weather station and the version of WD I am using are listed on the bottom of my messages… The time on the computer is correct and the time listed on the main graph of the WD is correct but in the graph on the lower right the times will get messed up and when you look in the NOAA data line by line it reflects those messups…
I could send you the december line by line file to show you the problem if you want me to…
I wasn’t having any of these problems until switching everything over to the new computer…
Not getting the e-mails (weather report is mailed twice a day) is weird also…
What OS on the old computer?
What OS on the new computer?
next Q:
which version of WD
10.19s according to his forum signature?
its just that i have improved things alot with that station type now in the latest version…
OS hasn’t change from either computer its still XP Professional…
However I did disable the Firewall feature that came with the computer and that seems to be working…I will let this run overnight like usual and see if it happens again or if it is ok…
If it ends up being ok then I will know it has something to do with the firewall…
Any advice you can give me on that then will be helpful
What firewall is it?
I have Norton Internet Security - whenever I update WD, and it wants to do its first upload, Norton asks me what I want to do (permit, block, etc). It is called making “rules” for the firewall to follow.
Depending on what firewall you have, you’ll have to set a rule for WD allowing it to FTP to your site.
Also, Windows XP SP2 has it’s own firewall. You definitely do not want to have 2 firewalls running at the same time (ie: Windows firewall + another firewall).
Look in you security settings (start > control panel > security center) to see what firewall(s) is running.
AAhhh this new computer came withthe XP Professional with SP2… But it lso came preloaded with Mcafee…and yes it actually did have 2 firewalls… LOL thanks for that note…
Another thing…who knows how to get the program that allows you to disable certain tasks or processes… I use to know…(you have to go into Start Run…and then type it in)…It is not the task manager…
Is this what you are looking for?
With XP, myself I have never used msconfig - used it a lot with WIN98
You might be better off looking in your systray (bottom right). I disable applications running in the background from there (by right clicking on them). Usually, when you right click on them there, you can also get to the “preferences” where you can choose for the application to “not start when Windows starts”.
Brian has a very useful startup manager tool on the WD website
With Zone Alarm you can flag WD/ftpupd as a frequently updated program so you don’t get new versions blocked.