Has anyone got the Tide prediction function to work?

[size=112]I have been trying to get the tide function to work for the tide times at Auckland [comparing the times obtained with those published in the newspaper " The New Zealand Herald" which one presumes are probally close enough] however even though all the pramaters appear to have been selected for Auckland and using NZST, the times given by the program are wide of those expected.
Has any one experienced difficulty in getting this to work for Auckland?
Any help appreciated.

i just tested…
works OK
i set the port as Auckland
i needed to tick, decrease by 1 hour
what is reported in wd is:
Low Tide: 4:50 AM NZD 0.87
High Tide: 11:05 AM NZD 2.79
Low Tide: 4:56 PM NZD 0.75
High Tide: 11:23 PM NZD 2.95

and from the Met Service web page , for today, auckland marine forecast:

High tides at Auckland:
Wednesday 1107 2.8 metres Wednesday 2330 2.9 metres

Pretty darn close…2 minutes too early on the high tide, and 7 minutes too early on the next high tide later tonight

Hi Brian,
This is what I just got at 1550 with the time set at T-1
all for today wed. 23/6/4
low 4-57am .75M
high 11-23am 2.95M
low 5-34pm .88M
high 11-48pm 2.77M
This is much closer but should be no difference between what you got and these figs or am I being to picky

do you have any minute offset, or similar?
maybe you might want to start from scratch with the tide setup program
i.e delelete the tide setup file

actualy, delete all the wxtide32 files (use search in windows)
and then re download and re extract the tide zip file (to where you have WD installed)
as you should be getting the exact same readings as me.

(and also make sure you dont have any minute adjust set in WD, in the tide setup)

Hi Brian,
I will give your suggestions a go as soon as I get a chance, and no I did not have any offsets in place.
Many thanks,

the reason for deleting the wxtide setup , is that it might not be set up correctly…i.e its ok here…and you should be able to get the same results too…

Hi Brian,
Did all of the above and now is within reasonable range of the NIWA Calculator, see my page [ http://www.rob-hall.esurf.co.nz/our_weather.htm] under links section last blue button on LHS.