Hard drive chatter

Does anyone have problems with their hard drive “chattering”, “grinding” (not sure which word to use). Wdisplay appears to be the cause, but it does not happen all the time the program is running. I have no problems at all without wdisplay running. I am running windows me and using version 10.16b (happened with previous versions also).

Thanks for your help in advance! :slight_smile:


How much physical memory do you have? Most likely you are hearing data being swapped between physical memory and the disk because the system needs to use more memory than you have.

At web update times when all the files are updated WD causes my hard drive to go mental for a few seconds but nothing apart from that.

Thanks for your reply, I have 384 mb of physical memory. I can add to a total of 512 on this computer. As for the web update, it is separate from that and once it starts, it continues until I reboot! I guess I forgot to note in my first post that I am using a Lacrosse ws-2010 wx station

I had the same problem with Windows ME - 100% CPU usage most of the time, constant data swapping and multi crashes…

Updated to Windows XP Home Edit. Problems went away!

Best money I ever spent…

Good luck…

C. Ritchie

I also had the same problem using Win ME. I disabled system restore, and have had no more hard drive “chatter”. Of course, if I ever need to restore, I won’t have that option. As a compromize, I installed MS back- up, from my Win ME CD, and I back-up regularly in-case I ever have to re-install Win ME.

I disabled my system restore 2 days ago and have had no problem since…Thanks for all the replies and the help! :slight_smile:
