I was looking at the Weather Display screen on my PC last night, all seemed well, temperature was showing at about 6 degrees C. This morning, after the usual reboot, the graphs have all gone to pot - the graph scale runs from 11 to 20 hrs then starts again at 08, and the temperature line at 2000 is at about 12 degrees C; the actual temperature at that time was nowhere near this figure. There is then a step down to the correct current temperature since reboot of around 8-9 degrees. The other graphs have similar breaks in them. It’s almost as if the graph is using data from a different day or month, up to this morning. Yet last night (beyond 2000 hrs) the display was working fine. If I look in the log.txt files I find that all the data is correctly stored; overnight the temperature fell to a low of about 5 degrees at 10pm and has climbed to 9 steadily since. This is not what the graph is showing. If I look at the 24/48/72 hour graphs they are entirely blank except for data starting on the far right of the screen. Any ideas what has happened? I’m on version 10.19o.
email me your settings file
from c:\windows or c:\winnt
so i can check some settings
(but, also, check under setup, misc/extra, and make sure you do not have ticked, use the datafiles from this location only
Coming over now. The check box you mention is not ticked.
I’m curious why you need a “usual” reboot?
When you do this, do you shutdown WD first?
The machine reboots automatically early each morning. It’s the same machine I use for other work, I find it helps generally with Outlook and other programs to reboot and clear memory etc. WD closes down as part of the Windows reboot, and is scheduled to start again 5 minutes later. I’ve been running this scheme for several weeks now without problem.
Incidentally the problem with the graphs is also being replicated on the web page that my WD is creating, at http://www.kay-uk.com/wdisplay/wx.html.
Although I seem to have lost all the graph data (the graph was absolutely fine yesterday), the monthly extreme values below the graph are still OK. Bizarre.
I had same problem. Then I unchecked all “unnecessary” options. ( “update application title bar with weatherdata” and other…)
Now in this isn’t nothing problem.
Second thing; How I can recall more as one month graph? If I select “convert log files to graph” I can select only one months at time.
i.e if I want October and November data back and select first 102004lg.txt and after that 112004lg.txt I got only November data. That 112004lg.txt override previous.
I got my graphs back following advice, by doing the “convert log files to graphs” option. The only graph data I lost, curiously, was the data for the day I was actually doing that conversion, so whereas previously I had no graph data with just a few lines starting on the right of the screen, I have all the original graph lines back but a “step” in the graph of a few hours from that morning up until the time I did the conversion. Which I will have to live with as I can’t see anywhere else that data has been stored. How it happened in the first place is still a mystery… all is working fine again now.