Is it possible to configure what is shown under the graph button? I think it would be easier to navigate if I made my list shorter. Also, it is possible to change what parameter is graphed/shown first?
Is it possible to configure what is shown under the graph button? I think it would be easier to navigate if I made my list shorter. Also, it is possible to change what parameter is graphed/shown first?
Hello Tarma,
Edit… never mind I misread your question… sorry
The below is to turn buttons on and off and move them…
Open your wdlconfig.xml and look for…
and so on. In mine they are right after the Lightning settings…
show 0 /show means off and not shown… show1/show means on and shown
Order will change the order swicth 3 and 5 for instance…
Hope this helps,
Bob :x
Thanks, but that isn’t quite what I meant. Not sure how to describe this. I can move/show the buttons without problems. What I want to do is change what is listed when you select the graph button (eg. windspeed last 24 hrs, windspeed last 30 days, Barometer last 30 days, etc.) I’d like to shorten the list or move things around a bit.
Hi again Tarma,
Yeah I realized that after I posted dohhhh… Sorry…
I am assuming that that the fields, for Graph and Records, are hard coded into the flash file itself and would think this may not be a configurable area
Kind of what I figured too. Oh well. Worth a try. Maybe in some future version.
Some items are configurable - others not. For example if you don’t have UV or solar sensors then they don’t appear, you can also choose whether to plot windchill and temp together. What items don’t you want to appear and why?
Off the top of my head, I would remove most of the 30 days items, and possibly some of the 7 day stuff. The main reason is I would like a shorter list containing the items I am most interested in. I dislike scrolling the list to find things. Historical information is interesting, but I use the WDL to find out what is happening now. Maybe a separate historical graph button? I would also like to select the initial graph (at the moment it would be temp/windchill) depending on the season.
BTW…I haven’t tried the snow options yet, but there doesn’t seem to be an actual “snow pack”/snow currently on ground type option. I think it would be a nice addition. My site really isn’t “live” yet, but it is accessed a fair amount by my skier friends.
OK I’ll have a look at making the graph listing configurable.