Currently running 10.21e with LaCrosse 2310-11 weatherstation. For several versions now, I have found that if I make any attempt to get data from the logger by using the “Setup, Control panel, Weather station data logger setup, Get data from logger now” button, WeatherDisplay will crash within a few seconds. It usually starts to display progress on the progress bar, but at about 20% it stops, then within a few seconds I get a Microsoft “Sorry, WeatherDisplay caused an error” dialog. The WeatherDisplay window is still present, but not responding. I usually have to reboot to clear it.
I have the “Extract history data at program startup” set OFF. I usually run WD 24x7, but if I shut it down for a short period (perhaps to upgrade versions) I want to catch up the lost data after I start it up again. It seems to take a long time to begin logging data after it starts up (this is new withing the last month or so - it used to start receiving data pretty quickly, like within a fes seconds, but now it takes a couple of minutes).
Is there a proper sequence of operations to do this catchup? Maybe wait until it starts receiving data, then do a “Get data now”? Is there a way that it can automatically know how far back to go when you manually get data? Once it has started receiving data and padded out the missing data what happens to the data that is manually downloaded? Is it in the database (and log) out of sequence? Is the crash a known problem that you are working on?
Recently Brian did make some changes in this area to capture the archive and add it to a mysql database (if you are running one). I know this works OK, at least for me, if you do normally have Extract History data at program start set to on. I have not tried the manual way via the menu. Maybe you could set this flag on and see what happens, it should not make much difference if you normally run 24/7.
if that happens, its because wd has got out of sync with the data logger
(its a very diffcult station to deal with, better stations , like a Davis VP, you just ask for the data, and it just sends the missing the data, this station, you have to keep waking it up, keep requesting different memory locations to find the data,its very difficult to work with…
that good
nearly all caught up with all the emails and forum posts after being away for a week
( has taken a good solid 6 hours)
time for a bit of a break now, as the kids want to go for a swim (its summer time here!)
Sadly, I had to turn off the auto get data from logger on startup - it would never get through it before it crashed again, and I still don’t have the barometer offset anywhere near right. The bit of catchup data that comes in seems to be low by about 0.6 inches. Nothing in the program error log.