ftp frequency for Weather display live

Weather Display has a setting to set the frequency of ftp for sending info for Weather display live. At present the shortest time between ftp’s is 5 seconds.

The new WDL version 2 you can set the polling for the data file at 3 seconds.

If WD sent the info every 3 seconds instead of every 5 seconds it would make the needle movement smoother otherwise setting the polling to less than 5 seconds in weather display live has no purpose.

It would be nice to see the option for ftp frequency be allowable at less that 5 to be compatible. (unless there is some technical reason that it is not possible)

Gary W Dumbleton

for me it make sense to upload only every 15 seconds because the wind is transmitted from the wind sensor every 15 seconds and the other sensors around every minute. This because it’s wireless sensors.
Cheers. :roll:

I guess that would be a restriction if one has a wireless station, however, if one has a wired station and the sampling is done every minute, I think the only restriction would be the lenghth of the file that is being ftp’d and the internet connectivity speed. If the speed was allowed to be the same as weather display live then it could be set according to the restrictions of each separate installation.

Gary W Dumbleton

ok, next version i will allow a fastter setting :slight_smile:

done in 10.16t


Here is the link to my weather display live.

I have it set for 3 seconds in both WDL and WD.

I think that the dials move a lot smoother and the data is “more live”

Thanks for the change.



as long as the FTP can handle that :slight_smile:
(i know of a few people trying to ftp to a free ftp server and wondering why its not working very well)

I have 2 of my own web servers. One in Washington DC and the other in New Jersey.

I have tested and both servers are handling it fine and there is no errors in the error log.


thats good news!
lots of good news for me today :slight_smile: