Just installed 10.12T and I am having problems with my fire wall.
It tells me that FTPUPD is trying to acccess the network tick to dont ask again.
I tick the box but next time the firewall asks again, at first I thought it was the firewall and looked at all the options and settings but could not find anything wrong.
I reinstall 10.12q and all is OK.
I am using Sygate Personal Firewall runing on Win XP Pro on P3 1GHz
I think this is a Sygate problem, not a WD problem. The Zone Alarm firewall recognizes an updated version and asks for permission, but after that it works until the next update (I believe it also has a setting to ignore program updates but I have never tried that). Have you tried posting this Q on the Sygate support board?
Haven’t used Sygate so can’t comment on it.
But as a long time user of Zone Alarm Pro on four weather stations
running on seperate computers at different locations I had the same
problem every time I upgraded W/D, but only on one computer.
I finally figured the problem was the firewall was looking for a change
in the program & stopping it if it was different than the last time it had
uploaded. 8O :roll:
The reason it does this is some trojans work by modifying an existing
program so the firewall stops the uploading until you have approved it.
When I looked more deeply into the available settings in Z/A I was able
to set the permissions for W/D to this program “changes frequently”
That solved the problem ! :idea:
When you get a notitification that your firewall has stopped W/D from
uploading & give it permission to proceed make sure you tick the box
that says “allow this program to proceed more than once” or similar
wording otherwise you will just give it permission for that one occasion.